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Deploying Powershell scripts via SCCM


I used to deploy .ps1 files from SMS 2003 successfully using the following command:

powershell -command .\script.ps1

unfortunatly its just failing after the allowed elapsed time specified in application. I have the script execution policy set on the machine as RemoteSigned. I have read the following blog about deploying to x64 and powershell referancing SysWoW64.

If i run the command remotly from my machine it works fine. But deploying from SCCM isnt.. I have tried changing the execution policy in the command to:

powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file .\script.ps1 and still doesnt work...

Has anyone got any experiance with deploy powershell scripts through sccm?

Distribution Manager cannot make a connection to the remote DP


We're having a rather interesting problem with one of our remote DPs. It was functional under a Secondray Site for almost a year and then about 3 weeks ago, the server name simply disappeared from the System Status in the Console. It remained listed under the Site Management object, and as a valid DP in the packages that had been distributed to it.

So, in troubleshooting this, we removed the DP role, waited 48 hours and re-installed the role. Didn't see anyting hinky in the logs, however this has not solved the issue. When looking at the Distribution Manager log we get the following for just about every package:

Thread Handle = 3868  SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER           6/10/2015 2:06:13 PM  8844 (0x228C)

for ["Display=\\server name"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=<site name>"]\\server name\, machine account is to be used           SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER  6/10/2015 2:06:13 PM 13776 (0x35D0)

Cannot establish connection to ["Display=\\server name"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=<site name>"]\\server name\  SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 6/10/2015 2:06:13 PM  13776 (0x35D0)

Error occurred.  SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER          6/10/2015 2:06:13 PM 13776 (0x35D0)

Performing error cleanup prior to returning.   SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 6/10/2015 2:06:13 PM           13776 (0x35D0)

DP thread with array index 0 ended.  SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 6/10/2015 2:06:13 PM           8844 (0x228C)

DP thread with thread handle 3868 and thread ID 13776 ended. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER      6/10/2015 2:06:13 PM 8844 (0x228C)

This happens for just about every thread. I've checked the WMI permissions, folder permissions, permissions at the drive and permissions on the erver. The Site server name is in the local Admins group which has full control over both the drives and folders, as well as WMI. At this point I'm stumped. I've tried implementing a hotfix I found in a different thread, but when I ran it, it said it wasn't applicable to the server. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Silent Distribution: Lenovo Hotkey Utility


Has anyone had success distributing Lenovo's "Hotkey Features Integration" in a task sequence?  The issue is that their "unattended" install isn't really silent.  When you install it using their unattended mode, it still pops up a window, installs three features and then closes the window.  I have a feeling that during the TS deployment of the laptop, it has an issue with the window that appears during installation.  Because no matter what I do during the TS deployment, it will not succeed.  If I run the unattended install after I get into the OS, it completes just fine. 

This is the software I'm attempting to install.


Thanks in advance!

Deploying Java 8.45 with SCCM 2007 to Windows 7


I am having issues deploying Java 8 Update 45 to Windows 7 via SCCM 2007. I have downloaded the executables from Oracle and created a batch file to first uninstall all previous versions of Java and then install 8.45 (32 and 64 bit). Batch file works flawlessly when I run it on a local machine in and Administrators command prompt.

When I run it under the system account the uninstall works fine.  I can see the batch file call the executables and they run for about a minute each but they never actually get installed.

This is testing my sanity....

Has anyone had any luck deploying 8.45 with SCCM 2007?  From what I understand, you used to be able to extract the MSI files but Oracle seems to have made changes and now charges to get the MSI files.

This is the batch file.  It works in SCCM right up to the install. 
Any suggestions are appreciated


REM Close all open web browsers

        taskkill /f /t /im firefox.exe
        tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq firefox.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "firefox.exe">NUL
        if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" GOTO killfirefox 

        taskkill /f /t /im iexplore.exe
        tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq iexplore.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "iexplore.exe">NUL
        if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" GOTO killiexplore

        taskkill /f /t /im chrome.exe
        tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq chrome.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "chrome.exe">NUL
        if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" GOTO killchrome

REM Close all JAVA Background Processes

        taskkill /f /t /im jusched.exe
        tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq jusched.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "jusched.exe">NUL
        if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" GOTO killjusched        

        taskkill /f /t /im jucheck.exe
        tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq jucheck.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "jucheck.exe">NUL
        if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" GOTO killjucheck

        taskkill /f /t /im jqs.exe
        tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq jqs.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "jqs.exe">NUL
        if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" GOTO killjqs

REM WMIC cleanup if
START /WAIT /MIN WMIC product where "Name LIKE 'J2SE Runtime%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive
START /WAIT /MIN WMIC product where "Name LIKE 'Java 6 Update%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive
START /WAIT /MIN WMIC product where "Name LIKE 'Java(TM) 6 Update%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive
START /WAIT /MIN WMIC product where "Name LIKE 'Java 7 Update%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive
START /WAIT /MIN WMIC product where "Name LIKE 'Java(TM) 7 Update%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive
START /WAIT /MIN WMIC product where "Name LIKE 'Java 8 Update%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive

REM Java Executable Silent Install



Return exit code to SCCM
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%

Need to run bdehdcfg.exe on all my machines in prep for BitLocker.


I am trying to set up a packahe I can advertise to run this at the command line but I can't seem to get it to work.  I enter that line into the "Command Line" field and set the Start in to %systemroot%$\system32\

bdeHdCfg.exe -target default -size 300 -quiet

This is the error I get:

A failure exit code of -2147009791 was returned. User context: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Possible cause: Systems Management Server (SMS) determines status for each program it executes. If SMS cannot find or correlate any installation status Management Information Format (MIF) files for the program, it uses the program's exit code to determine status. An exit code of -2147009791 is considered a failure. Solution: For more information on the exit code, refer to the documentation for the program you are distributing.

Has anyone one else done this before?


SCCM Collection Query All Clients where Advertisement not successful



I'm trying to create a collection with a dynamic membership query.
I want only the clients on which an advertisement status is not successful.

So I can see on which clients the advertisement didn't not apply.

When I use this query, I see the clients on which the advertisement was successful:

select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.ResourceId in (select ResourceID from SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus where AdvertisementID = "BMA20408"and LastStateName = "Succeeded")
So my idea was to set the != Succeeded
But then I have no clients in the collection.

Any Idea how I can solve that?

Disabled vs Expiration Date vs Delete for an advertisement



I have some old advertisement which should not be here anymore but are still displayed on the machines:

I noticed there are three options which could stop the advertisement to be attached to a machine:

- Delete the advertisement not needed

- Disable the advertisement

- Add an advertisement expiration date

I wonder what are exactly the differences between this three options:

- immediate effect

- disappear from the list of advertisements pending on any machine earlier

- etc...



System Center Operations Manager 2007 / System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 / Forefront Client Security / Forefront Identity Manager

Deploy app Script to rename a system file



To install an application, I need to create a script that renames DLL.

By default, on this DLL, only "TrustedInstaller" is "owner", same for the rights. 

So I create a script as an application in SCCM, this script do the account "SYSTEM" owner, and gives Full Control to SYSTEM on thisL. However, this is not working, and I need your help if possible.

Here is my script:

takeown /F C:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll

echo y| cacls c:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll /G ADMINISTRATORS:F SYSTEM:F

REN C:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll d3d11.old

Then I start the deployment of this application with SCCM and I ask to run with the system account.

The first line seems to work, because after execution through SCCM, I can see the Owner of the file is "System".

However, rights (or permissions) are not changed, and the DLL is not renamed.

This script works when I run it "by hand", but does not work on deployment via SCCM.

Have you any idea ?

Thank you all!

SCCM Program - Run: Hidden, how to revert



I installed as package/program with "run:" set to hidden. Is there a way to revert this in Windows or redeploy it to show up as "normal"?

Thank you, 


SCCM 2007 SP2 DP



SCCM 2007 SP2 R3

We have a central  Site / Primary Site and and Secondary site

We manage our primary and secondary site and have no control over the central site.

All the Packages that are available to our site are actually created on the Central Site and then replicated over.

I then go into the package and Add our D's to it an that is where my doubt is.

I first add the Primary Site DP to the package as to before adding secondary sites . So my guess is when the DP is added , the Primary site servers copies the files from the Package Source directory (That is on the Central site server) and then Add it to the Primary DP.

Once we test the package we then add it to the couple of secondaries we have.

Q:Is the Secondary site copying the files from the central site or from Primary , as Primary already has the files.

Q:What if i sometime forget to add secondary DP , Will the Clients in Secondary site boundary be able to get the package from the primary site DP. ? How can i make sure they can.

Install pending Status for all the packages deployed to a DP



We have SCCM 2007 installed in our environment. We have two primary sites. or the past few weeks, whenever we create a package and distribute it, the package gets distributed only to one primary server. The other primary server shows the status as install pending. Its not the issue with only one package. Its with all the packages that have been created in the past two weeks. Please suggest.

Thanks in advance.




Batch file that adds reg key fails in sccm


I am trying to make a couple sccm applications work.  The first app checks to see if Faronics DeepFreeze is thawed and if it is then inserts the autologin credentials and reboots.  The second batch file undoes the autologin and then issues the command to deepfreeze to reboot frozen.  If I run either or both of the batch files from a command prompt the run correctly and do what they are supposed to do.  If I run them for a user as available both applications will fail.  It dos not say why it fails.  If deployed to devices they do not show up in Software Center to be runable.  Both batch files are set as available.  Once working the device application will be set to "required".

My question is why would the batch file work when run from within a command prompt but fail when delivered by sccm?

Thank you.

SCCM Package Distribution



I am distributing two package to all servers:

Package1 64 bits version I am getting error 10070 (21).

Package2 32 bits version I am getting error 10070 (72) and 10006 (353).

Two packages, two advertisements but only one collection...

What exactly these errors are showing?


The program for advertisement "SRV2015E" ("SRV000E2" - "xxxx - xxx Deployment") exceeded the maximum allowed run time of 120 minute(s). Systems Management Server (SMS) has stopped monitoring the program, and is unable to determine the status of the program. SMS will not automatically attempt to run this program again.
Possible causes: The program might have taken longer to run than expected, or the program might have experienced problems while running.
Possible solution: Make sure the maximum allowed run time specified for the program allows enough time for the program to finish running. If the program requires user input, ensure the program properties allow the user to interact with the program.


The program for advertisement "SRV2015F" failed ("SRV000E3" - "xxxx - xxx 32 Bits"). A failure exit code of 1603 was returned.

Possible cause: Systems Management Server (SMS) determines status for each program it executes. If SMS cannot find or correlate any installation status Management Information Format (MIF) files for the program, it uses the program's exit code to determine status. An exit code of 1603 is considered a failure.
Solution: For more information on the exit code, refer to the documentation for the program you are distributing.
Is it an issue between 64 bits and 32 bits? Should I select the platform before distribution(on the package, on the advertisements, on the collection?)   as the original collection is the same for the two advertisements?


System Center Operations Manager 2007 / System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 / Forefront Client Security / Forefront Identity Manager

Error when trying to create a new collection


Hi All,

 Getting below error when creating a New collection.

Kindly help.

Error Code Below

ConfigMgr Error Object:
instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus
CauseInfo = "11";
Description = "Unable to update parent collection due to SQL error.";
ErrorCode = 3242722566;
File = "e:\\nts_sms_fre\\sms\\siteserver\\sdk_provider\\smsprov\\sspcollection.cpp";
Line = 766;
ObjectInfo = "Adobe ;
Operation = "PutInstance";
ParameterInfo = "";
ProviderName = "ExtnProv";
SQLMessage = "[HYT00][0][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired";
SQLSeverity = 0;
SQLStatus = 0;
StatusCode = 2147749889;

A package - Caterpillar GERP 4.05 installs fine in 32 bit windows7 machines but fails in 64 bit windows7 machines


package - Caterpillar GERP 4.05 when deployed in test environment, it installs fine in both 32 and 64 bit win7 systems in system context.

when deployed to client environment - program to run in system context - installs fine in 32 bit win7 machines but fails in 64 bit win7 machines however manual installation works fine.

till now in client environment all the packages installed fine in 64 bit machines, this is the first package with unique issue.

installation via user context for 64 bit win7 device doesn't work.

how to troubleshoot and fix this.

Installer Error 1610 During Deployment


I've got an application, SafeNet Sentinel Driver 7.5.1, that will install perfectly if I run it manually, but when I deploy it via SCCM, I get a 1610 - ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION.

I created a wrapper that executes the setup executable with all of the desired switches.  When I run it manually, I get an installation log that's about 258kb and reports success.  When I deploy it via SCCM, thereby running as the local system, it fails and I get a 1KB log file with nothing in it.

Any ideas?

SCCM Package Distribution



I have a command line:

cp017646.exe /silent /force which works fine when run locally..

I place it in a package/advertisement for distribution but the package is downloaded but never start to install...

any clue?



System Center Operations Manager 2007 / System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 / Forefront Client Security / Forefront Identity Manager

OSD TS failed, no advertisements on client then


I noticed something strange on some clients: I'm deploying a software on a large number of computers, but if the OSD task sequence of one of those computers had failed back then during a software installation and the TS stopped (but the OS is working properly) the client doesn't receive other advertisements afterwards, I can see the clients correctly in the console but if I connect to one client with SCCM Client Center I can see that it still has only the advertisements relevant to the OSD task sequence.
Is there a way to force the new policies/advertisements to be downloaded by the client?

Thank you

MSI Package Creator


Do you guys know Any MSI PACKAGE creator software which is very easier to use and always works best with SCCM for application installations ?



We install large number of applications and softwares on the student laptops on regular basis. For that reason we are looking for a software that creates MSI packages very easily. So that we can use that package VIA SCCM so that the students don't need to click yes, next, registration information etc

Java old version uninstall using batch file through SCCM 2007 R2


Hi every one

before asking about this i really tried to solve it from previous posts and i found some many options to check but :( it never worked.

 i am trying to uninstall all Java versions from about 500 PC's using SCCM07 R2 i used .bat file containing:

MsiExec.exe /X{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217000FF} /qb /norestart 

for all Java versions

and created a package, used the batch file as a program and created advertise for this package and then liked the advertise to collection, when i add systems to the collection the batch file arrive to cache file in the host machine properly, but nothing happening after that, i tested the batch file from the host machine its accessible and when i run it working fine

so please i need to know what i am missing out in this configurations.


Waiting My Destiny

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