Channel: Configuration Manager 2007 Software Distribution forum
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Can SCCM delete print drivers?


Can SCCM remove print drivers from a deployed PC?        

I may be in the wrong community.  If so, please point me in the correct direction.

We have roughly 400 printers installed on Server 2012 R2.  We are implementing a new Windows print solution due to our 2008 R2 cluster's erratic behavior. 

We created a one node development box that is in place for now. 

When we switched from the cluster to a stand alone solution, we had about 150 drivers that became corrupted and would not print until we performed a number of steps to remove the "broken" driver package and replace the driver of the same type from our driver store by hand.

1. Select affected printer, go to local driver store to note location of the print driver files

2, Delete existing printer

3. Stop spooler

4. Delete driver files

5. Restart print spooler

6. Run GPUPDATE /FORCE to reapply the printer with a working driver.

Before we go live with our new solution we would like to remove the driver and package using SCCM if possible hoping to avoid the same situation.

Our current deployment method is using Security Groups (memberships) and separate GPOs to push the assigned printer to the proper Windows 7 32 bit OS PCs.

Any ideas?

Can No Longer Read Uninstall Keys with vbscript package run by SCCM



I've been using vbscript packages in SCCM for over a decade, and one thing I do is use the registry to determine if I need to uninstall an old program with the Value:


Example code snip:

UnstKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{81BE0B17-563B-45D4-B198-5721E6C665CD}"
UnstVal = wshShell.RegRead(UnstKey & "\UninstallString")

If I run this manually, it works great, but all of a sudden, when I run a vbscript like this in SCCM it now returns: 
Invalid root in registry key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{...}\UninstallString"

I normally run everything whether or not a user is logged on as System, but I did a test, and it even fails if I run the package as the user, which really surprised me. I check permissions in registry key, and Everyone has read, System has Modify.

This code was working about a month ago. No changes to SCCM that I know. Sadly, we are still running 2007 SP2

Please help!

Creating a Distribution Point Hierarchy -- Is it possible?



Hello all,



So, here is the scenario:


I have one primary site and 2 secondary sites.  Envision the primary in the north half of a geographic location, one secondary in the south half of the geographic location , and another secondary in the east half of the geographic location.  Routers exists at the south secondary and the east secondary sites that connect back to the main hub at the primary site location.


Now, the logical thinking here was to created stand-alone distribution points in remote locations across the geographic location and add them accordingly as site systems in their respective geographic locations as per SCCM site design.  For example, the primary site would push packages to the remote locations to the north and to the secondary sites.  The secondary sites would then push the packages to the remote distibrution points that had been added to the site's site systems node in its site settings.  The secondary sites have been configured as proxy management points.


However, when pushing a package out, all the north DP's received the pacakge, the others failed.  Upon moving one of the site systems from the south secondary site, site servers node to the primary site, site servers node and pushing the package again, it received the package.


My question is do all distribution points have to be added as distribution points under the primary or can they be added as distribution points under the secondary sites in their respective site settings?  If they can, can someone please point me in the right direction to create this.  The idea here is to minimize network traffic across the entire geographic location.  We'd prefer not to engage all DPs at one time.


Thanks in advance!



Clients stop downloading package and have BIT.TMP files in cache


I am having an issue with package distribution to sccm clients where clients stop downloading the package without any errors or warnings. and report a waiting on contents status.


Initially, I noticed the issue when deploying Office 2007 to clients where I setup the advertisement for that package to start at an earlier time than the mandatory time to precache the contents.  Monitoring the advertisement status report, I noticed 10% of the clients show waiting on contents status, did random spot check, and the package folder in the cache was either there with no files just folder structure, or it had BIT.TMP files. 

The DatatransferService.log, ContentTransferManager.log, CAS, Exec, and the package/advert related log files didn't have any errors


On few clients, restarting the SMS Host service did the trick and triggered the download again, on others that didn't work; however, going to run advertised programs and manually selecting and running the program fixed the issue, on a third small group, reinstalling the client made it work.


The assumption was, the package was too big, and network hick up might have caused that to occur, or IIS on the DPs had issues and was interrupted, or the client had bad BITS install and failed downloading this large package.  Later on, I found that this occurs with every deployment, small and large, and regardless of the way the advertisement is set up.


Any suggestions or assistance is very appreciated

Lync 2013 deployment via SCCM 2007


Hi All,

We are trying to deploy Lync 2013 to Windows 7 workstations that currently have Office 2013 professional installed on.

Unfortunately we arent have much luck at the moment..

It seems to push Office 2013 tools out but not Lync itself..

The package was created using the Office customisation tool

the sccm command is set to setup.exe /adminfile updates \name.msp and also tried msiexec command line but no joy

Please can someone advise me how to achieve this Lync rollout?

Kind Regards, Enjoy the weekend!


J R Vose

How to perform a query to read an xml file in SCCM 2007



I need read knows how to read an csv file for a specific column after collecting the results, then put the PC's in a collection in particular.

A greeting and thanks

Program exit code 259 in SCCM Cllient

I am getting Error "Program exit code 259" in Execmgr.log while installing symantec backup tool on sccm client.


Execution Request for package C010194B program Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery v8.5.3.314-0 state change from Running to NotifyExecution execmgr 8/26/2009 1:09:52 AM 448 (0x01C0)
Checking content location C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Cache\C010194B.1.System for use execmgr 8/26/2009 1:09:52 AM 448 (0x01C0)
Successfully selected content location C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Cache\C010194B.1.System execmgr 8/26/2009 1:09:52 AM 448 (0x01C0)
Executing program as a script execmgr 8/26/2009 1:09:52 AM 448 (0x01C0)
Successfully prepared command line "C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Cache\C010194B.1.System\loader.EXE" /s CM_DSLID=002FDA execmgr 8/26/2009 1:09:52 AM 448 (0x01C0)
Command line = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Cache\C010194B.1.System\loader.EXE" /s CM_DSLID=002FDA, Working Directory = C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Cache\C010194B.1.System\ execmgr 8/26/2009 1:09:52 AM 448 (0x01C0)
Created Process for the passed command line execmgr 8/26/2009 1:09:52 AM 448 (0x01C0)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(1033)]
instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent
 AdvertisementId = "N0120AAD";
 ClientID = "GUID:C7E780C0-72FE-4876-B3B3-ACC7E7AB5D71";
 CommandLine = "\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\CCM\\Cache\\C010194B.1.System\\loader.EXE\" /s CM_DSLID=002FDA";
 DateTime = "20090826050952.320000+000";
 MachineName = "WFSLUSLVA8DYW";
 PackageName = "C010194B";
 ProcessID = 3876;
 ProgramName = "Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery v8.5.3.314-0";
 SiteCode = "N02";
 ThreadID = 448;
 UserContext = "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM";
 WorkingDirectory = "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\CCM\\Cache\\C010194B.1.System\\";
 execmgr 8/26/2009 1:09:52 AM 448 (0x01C0)
Raised Program Started Event for Ad:N0120AAD, Package:C010194B, Program: Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery v8.5.3.314-0 execmgr 8/26/2009 1:09:52 AM 448 (0x01C0)
Execution Manager timer has been fired. execmgr 8/26/2009 1:12:03 AM 2228 (0x08B4)
Program exit code 259 execmgr 8/26/2009 2:09:52 AM 5392 (0x1510)

How to uninstall game and Entertainment applications using SCCM on window 7 system


Hi all,

how to uninstall Product Category like Game or Entertainment applications  using SCCM on window 7 system,If you have any documentation or guide for it please let me know,

I really appreciate your help.



Installing Applications using 2012 keeps failing


I setup system center 2012 this morning and it's mostly working, it looks like an excellent product!  I can deploy the client as well as endpoint protection.

Here is my problem.  I create a simple application to push out the Java MSI.  I then distribute the content to my distribution point and confirm it's done under the monitor page.  After that I'm deploying the application to an XP and 7 machine. It shows up in the software center but the installs keep failing (i've tried different MSIs and rebuilt it a bunch of times).  Here is the error I'm seeing on the client:

"Unable to download the software

There was a problem downloading the software" - then a bit more encouraging me to call helpdesk.

Then in the more information box I'm getting:

"The software change returned error code 0x87D00607(-2016410105)."

Any suggestions on what could be causing this?

How to get Package Name or ID from .PCK file


I have some old .PCK files in my despoolr.box\receive inbox folder that haven't had a date modified or accessed in over 5 years. I'm fairly positive it is safe to delete them. I'd like to know which exact packages they are for though before deleting. The naming convention of the compressed .pck files does not match up with a Package ID or anything that I can see from the SCCM console. 

How do you go about translating the .PCK file name to an actual package?

Failed to create virtual directory on the defined share or volume on distribution point : Unable to Distribute the package



Its been two days i am unable to distribute any packages to a particular DP(wsp1app243).

Please guide me in a right direction to troubleshoot this issue.

Below is error message from the distribution manager component status messages.

Failed to create virtual directory on the defined share or volume on distribution point "["Display=\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\".

Possible cause: Distribution Manager requires that IIS base components be installed on the local SMS Site Server in order to create the virtual directory.  Distribution Manager also requires that IIS Web Services be installed on the Distribution Point Server that needs to support Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS).
Solution: Verify that IIS base components are installed on the local SMS Site Server, and IIS Web Services are installed on the Distribution Point Server.

Below is the error message from the distmgr.log

Established connection to ["Display=\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:31 AM24640 (0x6040)
Signature share exists on distribution point path MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\wsp1app243\SMSSIG$\SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:31 AM24640 (0x6040)
Found the existing package path on MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\WSP1APP243\SMSDIST$\SMSPKG\CS1000C6\SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:31 AM24640 (0x6040)
Validating the compressed file G:\SMSPKG\CS1000C6.PCK for package CS1000C6SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:31 AM24640 (0x6040)
The package file requires a NTFS drive to decompress to.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:31 AM24640 (0x6040)
Decompressing package G:\SMSPKG\CS1000C6.PCK to G:\_S M9snq.TMPSMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:31 AM24640 (0x6040)
STATMSG: ID=2322 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=BELLCMPS01 SITE=PS1 PID=37964 TID=24640 GMTDATE=Tue Mar 17 13:58:33.155 2015 ISTR0="CS1000C6" ISTR1="G:\SMSPKG\CS1000C6.PCK" ISTR2="G:\_S M9snq.TMP" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="CS1000C6"SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
GetPackageSignature() called for package CS1000C6 with version 490. UnpackedSignature = 0SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
RDC:Successfully found RDC signature for package CS1000C6 version 490.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
for ["Display=\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\, no connection account is availableSMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
CWmi::Connect(): ConnectServer(Namespace) failed. - 0x80070005SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
CWmi::Connect() could not connect to \\["Display=\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\\root\MicrosoftIISv2. error = The operation completed successfully.. Will try FQDNSMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
Translated server name wsp1app243.bell.corp.bce.ca to bell.corp.bce.ca\wsp1app243.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
CWmi::Connect(): ConnectServer(Namespace) failed. - 0x80070005SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
CWmi::Connect() failed to connect to \\wsp1app243\root\MicrosoftIISv2. error = Access is denied.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
ERROR DPConnection::ConnectWMI() - Failed to connect to  WSP1APP243. error = 0x80070005SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
STATMSG: ID=2344 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=BELLCMPS01 SITE=PS1 PID=37964 TID=24640 GMTDATE=Tue Mar 17 13:58:33.177 2015 ISTR0="["Display=\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\" ISTR1="" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=404 AVAL0="["Display=\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\"SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
ERROR CheckDPforDrizzle: Could not find the desired DP ["Display=\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\ in the SCFSMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
Cannot set the current Drizzle Role status for the DP.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
Error occurred.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
Performing error cleanup prior to returning. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24640 (0x6040)
DP thread with array index 0 ended.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24952 (0x6178)
DP thread with thread handle 8944 and thread ID 24640 ended.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24952 (0x6178)
Updating package info for package CS1000C6SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24952 (0x6178)
Only retrying local DP update for package CS1000C6, no need to replicate package definition to child sites or DP info to parent site.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24952 (0x6178)
StoredPkgVersion (490) of package CS1000C6. StoredPkgVersion in database is 490.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24952 (0x6178)
SourceVersion (490) of package CS1000C6. SourceVersion in database is 490.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24952 (0x6178)
STATMSG: ID=2302 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=BELLCMPS01 SITE=PS1 PID=37964 TID=24952 GMTDATE=Tue Mar 17 13:58:33.221 2015 ISTR0="Faxpress 7.1" ISTR1="CS1000C6" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="CS1000C6"SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24952 (0x6178)
Failed to process package CS1000C6 after 20 retries, will retry 80 more timesSMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24952 (0x6178)
Exiting package processing thread.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:33 AM24952 (0x6178)
Used 0 out of 3 allowed processing threads. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM22984 (0x59C8)
Starting package processing thread,thread ID = 19E4SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM22984 (0x59C8)
STATMSG: ID=2304 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=BELLCMPS01 SITE=PS1 PID=37964 TID=6628 GMTDATE=Tue Mar 17 13:58:41.592 2015 ISTR0="CS1000C6" ISTR1="" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="CS1000C6"SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM6628 (0x19E4)
Retrying package CS1000C6SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM6628 (0x19E4)
No action specified for the package CS1000C6. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM6628 (0x19E4)
The last source update time for pkg CS1000ED is 3/16/2015 9:00:37 PM Eastern Daylight TimeSMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM22984 (0x59C8)
The next start time for pkg CS1000ED is 3/17/2015 9:00:00 PM Eastern Daylight TimeSMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM22984 (0x59C8)
Sleep 3600 seconds...SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM22984 (0x59C8)
No action specified for the package on server ["Display=\\xvu-tor-sms\SMSDIST$\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\xvu-tor-sms\SMSDIST$\.SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM6628 (0x19E4)
Start updating the package on server ["Display=\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\...SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM6628 (0x19E4)
["Display=\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PS1"]\\wsp1app243\SMSDIST$\ is NOT a Branch DPSMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER3/17/2015 9:58:41 AM6628 (0x19E4)

The Lightning Khan

Distribute Visio 2013 Pro via SCCM 2007, software download successfully but failed to run the script to start the installation


Hi SCCM experts

i distributed Microsoft visio 2010 pro and visio 2013 pro to clients, the package was downloaded successfully to local ccm cache file, but the installation not continued, also I checked the installation script is fine, it’s working when I run the script locally. I created many package all working except visio 2010 and 2013, are there some differences?

Script “ C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\CEN001D1.1.System\setup.exe" /config vispro.ww\config.xml”

config.xml content

<Configuration Product="VisPro">

<!-- <Display Level="Basic" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="no" AcceptEula="yes" /> -->

<!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Visio Professional Setup(*).txt" /> -->

<!-- <USERNAME Value="Customer" /> -->

<!-- <COMPANYNAME Value="MyCompany" /> -->

<!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> -->

<!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> -->

<!-- <LIS SOURCELIST="\\server1\share\Office;\\server2\share\Office" /> -->

<!-- <DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office" /> -->

<!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> -->

<!-- <Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never" /> -->

<!-- <Command Path="%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> -->


errors on SCCM

 The program for advertisement"CEN20234" ("CEN001D1" - "install") exceeded the maximum allowed run time of 120 minute(s). Systems Management Server (SMS) has stopped monitoring the program, and is unable to determine the status of the program. SMS will not automatically attempt to run this program again.  Possible causes: The program might have taken longer to run than expected, or the program might have experienced problems while running.  Possible solution: Make sure the maximum allowed run time specified for the program allows enough time for the program to finish running. If the program requires user input, ensure the program properties allow the user to interact with the program.

Information    Milestone       CEN 3/18/2015 1:58:30 AM   AUSYDLT04005    Software Distribution    10005     Program started for advertisement "CEN20234" ("CEN001D1" - "install").    Command line: "C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\CEN001D1.1.System\setup.exe" /config vispro.ww\config.xml  Working directory: C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\CEN001D1.1.System\  User context: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

Logs on SCCM

Severity    Type Site code  Date / Time      System     Component      Message ID     Description

Error         Milestone         CEN 3/9/2015 8:57:49 AM      CNXMNLT08360       Software Distribution      10070      

The program for advertisement "CEN20234" ("CEN001D1" - "install") exceeded the maximum allowed run time of 120 minute(s). Systems Management Server (SMS) has stopped monitoring the program, and is unable to determine the status of the program. SMS will not automatically attempt to run this program again. 

Possible causes: The program might have taken longer to run than expected, or the program might have experienced problems while running.  Possible solution: Make sure the maximum allowed run time specified for the program allows enough time for the program to finish running. If the program requires user input, ensure the program properties allow the user to interact with the program.


Information      Milestone         CEN 3/9/2015 6:57:49 AM      CNXMNLT08360       Software Distribution      10005      

Program started for advertisement "CEN20234" ("CEN001D1" - "install").   

Command line: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN001D1.1.System\setup.exe" /config vispro.ww\config.xml  Working directory: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN001D1.1.System\  User context: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM


Information      Milestone         CEN 3/9/2015 6:51:45 AM      CNXMNLT08360       Software Distribution      10035      

The program for advertisement "CEN20234 has not yet started because the content for the package "CEN001D1" - "install" (version 1) has not been acquired. Possible cause: The content for this program must be downloaded into the computer's cache, or the content could not be located.  

Solution: If the program is being downloaded, no action is required. The program will start once the download has been successfully completed. If the content can not be located, ensure that a distribution point with this content is available for this computer.  Distribution point availability can be affected by roaming boundary configuration which is used to determine whether distribution points are classified as local or remote, or by enabling distribution points as protected distribution points. Distribution point availability can also be affected if you are using branch distribution points and the advertisement is configured with the option Run program from distribution point instead of Download content from distribution point and run locally. This is because branch distribution points do not support advertisements that are configured to run directly from a distribution point.


Information      Milestone         CEN 3/9/2015 6:51:44 AM      CNXMNLT08360       Software Distribution      10002      

Advertisement "CEN20234" was received from site "CEN".   

The client passes any supported platform requirements and the SMS will add the advertisement's program to the list that will be displayed to users and/or run via assignment. If an advertisement is received but not displayed on a client, verify that the current time on the client is between the advertisement start and expiration times, and that the program specified in the advertisement is enabled.

SCCM Collection Query All Clients where Advertisement not successful



I'm trying to create a collection with a dynamic membership query.
I want only the clients on which an advertisement status is not successful.

So I can see on which clients the advertisement didn't not apply.

When I use this query, I see the clients on which the advertisement was successful:

select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.ResourceId in (select ResourceID from SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus where AdvertisementID = "BMA20408"and LastStateName = "Succeeded")
So my idea was to set the != Succeeded
But then I have no clients in the collection.

Any Idea how I can solve that?

Last Status Message ID (10006,11170) last execution result 16389


I deployed a package (hotfix) with task sequence and added reboot settings deployed and few on the machines Last Status Message ((The task sequence manager could not successfully complete execution of the task sequence,Program failed) Name and Last Status Message ID (10006,11170) last execution result 16389 package is download in to cache folder and I am not sure why not installing. Appreciate any way we can find out cause for this behavior

Popup message is not showing from vbs file - SCCM 2012 Package



I am deploying a package that needs the outlook should be closed prior to install. For that, we have included popup message in the vbs script(setup.vbs) file. When deploying the package via SCCM(using package deployment method), the popup message is not appearing but it is working when we run the script file manually. i have modified SCCM program setting but no luck.

Could you advise what setting needs to be changed in SCCM Program & deployment?

Migrating from Marimba 8.1 to Configuration Manager 2012 R2


Good morning all,

I have been tasked with architecting a migration from Marimba 8.1 to Configuration Manager 2012 R2 and I noticed that there is almost no material available in the web about this, can someone provide whatever insight information possible?

Thanks in advanced for your help on this matter



O365 Add or Remove entry icon missing - when Deploying Powershell script with SCCM



I have a requirement that I need to run Powershell script to uninstall and install O365, everything goes fine, the uninstallation and installation. however, the problem part is the icon in the Add or Remove programs is missing once the O365 installation completes.

I have tested it many times manually and there was no issue with the display icon but while I target using SCCM the same script the display icon goes blank and does not show up even after a restart. the functionality and everything else seems fine

Please help how can I get it working even via SCCM

I am using the below command to target the program and all the execution settings are normal with user interactive etc (which is as per the requirement)

%SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile  -windowstyle hidden -File .\FileName.ps1

Copying a folder to all client machines using SCCM



I need to copy a folder of around 75 MB to 50 client machines. Is it possible using the SCCM software distribution feature?

Could someone please help me on the above?



Copying a folder to clients using SCCM


I need to create a package to copy a folder to C:\Program Files of all Clients. Have created a package containing the required folder and a batch file with below contents:

@echo off
echo f | xcopy /i/q/H/E/Y/v *.* "C:\Program Files"

If I double click on batch file on a system, it executes successfully.

However, when run using SCCM, the package stucks while downloading into system cache and then eventually fails. Size of the package is 150 MB. And the size of package in SCCM cache of client varies from 1 MB - 50 MB.

Below is the snapshot of Execmgr logs on a client.

Execution Request for package ODC003E1 program Travelbox Test 2 state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownloadexecmgr4/13/2015 4:25:09 PM24136 (0x5E48)
Mandatory execution requested for program Travelbox Test 2 and advertisement ODC202C7execmgr4/13/2015 4:25:09 PM22792 (0x5908)
Creating mandatory request for advert ODC202C7, program Travelbox Test 2, package ODC003E1execmgr4/13/2015 4:25:09 PM22792 (0x5908)
Policy arrived for parent package ODC003E1 program Travelbox Test 2execmgr4/13/2015 4:25:09 PM22564 (0x5824)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(2057)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "ODC202C7";
ClientID = "GUID:7808AA09-DC9A-4434-A61E-6793BDA218FB";
DateTime = "20150413152509.389000+000";
MachineName = "DCZC431089S";
ProcessID = 3812;
SiteCode = "ODC";
ThreadID = 22564;
execmgr 4/13/2015 4:25:09 PM22564 (0x5824)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(2057)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
AdvertisementId = "ODC202C7";
ClientID = "GUID:7808AA09-DC9A-4434-A61E-6793BDA218FB";
DateTime = "20150413152509.405000+000";
MachineName = "DCZC431089S";
PackageName = "ODC003E1";
PackageVersion = "1";
ProcessID = 3812;
ProgramName = "Travelbox Test 2";
SiteCode = "ODC";
ThreadID = 22792;
execmgr 4/13/2015 4:25:09 PM22792 (0x5908)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program Travelbox Test 2execmgr4/13/2015 4:25:09 PM22792 (0x5908)
Execution Request for package ODC003E1 program Travelbox Test 2 state change from WaitingDependency to WaitingContentexecmgr4/13/2015 4:25:09 PM22792 (0x5908)
Mandatory execution requested for program Travelbox Test 2 and advertisement ODC202C8execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Creating mandatory request for advert ODC202C8, program Travelbox Test 2, package ODC003E1execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Policy arrived for parent package ODC003E1 program Travelbox Test 2execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM22344 (0x5748)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(2057)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "ODC202C8";
ClientID = "GUID:7808AA09-DC9A-4434-A61E-6793BDA218FB";
DateTime = "20150413163822.624000+000";
MachineName = "DCZC431089S";
ProcessID = 3812;
SiteCode = "ODC";
ThreadID = 22344;
execmgr 4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM22344 (0x5748)
Requesting content from CAS for package ODC003E1 version 1execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Successfully created a content request handle {67ECCA15-5826-48C3-B6EE-4F78FD8727CA} for the package ODC003E1 version 1execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(2057)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
AdvertisementId = "ODC202C8";
ClientID = "GUID:7808AA09-DC9A-4434-A61E-6793BDA218FB";
DateTime = "20150413163822.936000+000";
MachineName = "DCZC431089S";
PackageName = "ODC003E1";
PackageVersion = "1";
ProcessID = 3812;
ProgramName = "Travelbox Test 2";
SiteCode = "ODC";
ThreadID = 22732;
execmgr 4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program Travelbox Test 2execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Execution Request for package ODC003E1 program Travelbox Test 2 state change from NotExist to WaitingContentexecmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Content is available for program Travelbox Test 2. execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
CExecutionRequest::Service Windows Manager has allowed us to run.execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Executing program Test2.bat in Admin context execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Execution Manager timer has been fired.execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM18276 (0x4764)
Execution Request for package ODC003E1 program Travelbox Test 2 state change from WaitingContent to NotifyExecutionexecmgr4/13/2015 5:38:22 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Checking content location \\SVAAOFFSCM01.VAA.VTG.LOCAL\SMSPKGE$\ODC003E1\ for useexecmgr4/13/2015 5:38:23 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Successfully selected content location \\SVAAOFFSCM01.VAA.VTG.LOCAL\SMSPKGE$\ODC003E1execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:23 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
GetFileVersionInfoSize failed for file \\SVAAOFFSCM01.VAA.VTG.LOCAL\SMSPKGE$\ODC003E1\Test2.bat, error 1812execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:23 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Executing program as a scriptexecmgr4/13/2015 5:38:23 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Successfully prepared command line "\\SVAAOFFSCM01.VAA.VTG.LOCAL\SMSPKGE$\ODC003E1\Test2.bat"execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:23 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Command line = "\\SVAAOFFSCM01.VAA.VTG.LOCAL\SMSPKGE$\ODC003E1\Test2.bat", Working Directory = \\SVAAOFFSCM01.VAA.VTG.LOCAL\SMSPKGE$\ODC003E1\execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:23 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Created Process for the passed command line execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:23 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(2057)]
instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent
AdvertisementId = "ODC202C8";
ClientID = "GUID:7808AA09-DC9A-4434-A61E-6793BDA218FB";
CommandLine = "\"\\\\SVAAOFFSCM01.VAA.VTG.LOCAL\\SMSPKGE$\\ODC003E1\\Test2.bat\"";
DateTime = "20150413163823.045000+000";
MachineName = "DCZC431089S";
PackageName = "ODC003E1";
ProcessID = 3812;
ProgramName = "Travelbox Test 2";
SiteCode = "ODC";
ThreadID = 23388;
WorkingDirectory = "\\\\SVAAOFFSCM01.VAA.VTG.LOCAL\\SMSPKGE$\\ODC003E1\\";
execmgr 4/13/2015 5:38:23 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Raised Program Started Event for Ad:ODC202C8, Package:ODC003E1, Program: Travelbox Test 2execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:23 PM23388 (0x5B5C)
Program exit code 1execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:27 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Looking for MIF file to get program statusexecmgr4/13/2015 5:38:27 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Script for Package:ODC003E1, Program: Travelbox Test 2 failed with exit code 1execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:27 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(2057)]
instance of SoftDistProgramErrorEvent
AdvertisementId = "ODC202C8";
ClientID = "GUID:7808AA09-DC9A-4434-A61E-6793BDA218FB";
DateTime = "20150413163827.085000+000";
ExitCode = "1";
MachineName = "DCZC431089S";
PackageName = "ODC003E1";
ProcessID = 3812;
ProgramName = "Travelbox Test 2";
SiteCode = "ODC";
ThreadID = 22732;
execmgr 4/13/2015 5:38:27 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Raised Program Error Event for Ad:ODC202C8, Package:ODC003E1, Program: Travelbox Test 2execmgr4/13/2015 5:38:27 PM22732 (0x58CC)
Execution is complete for program Travelbox Test 2. The exit code is 1, the execution status is FailureNonRetryexecmgr4/13/2015 5:38:27 PM23792 (0x5CF0)

Please help.

Installing after the Maintenance Window


I set up some maintenance window yesterday for our Software Updates in all the servers. We use SCCM2012 R2

I set up the maintenance window with the deadline at the same time of the maintenance window, so it wont be installed (i dont know if this is a good practice or its better to choose Available instead of required)

Any way, if for some reason one server miss the installation because nobody log in and install them, can be manually installed from the software center after the maintenance window?    The updates are there in the list , maintenance its over. Whats the behavior of SCCM with this scenario.

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