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need to create exclusion list


hey all,

i need to create an exclusion collection, this will be used for advertisements that need to be sent to all computers in our company, but will ignore the computers that we add to this collection.

ie: i send an advertisement to my "all computers" collection, but the advertisement skips the computers that are in my "exclusion" collection.

we have a number of these setup already; the "all computers" collection is the parent collection, which contains two sub-collections for each exclusion scenario, the actual "exclusion" collection with the computers to be skipped, and the "all computers minus <exclusion>" collection, which would be the resulting list of all computers without the computers to be skipped.  make sense? :)

i set one of these up a long time ago, and have forgotten how to.  i see a number of posts regarding how to use SQL statements to make this happen, but the way i did it didn't require SQL lines to be added, i believe it was all done through the context menus in the ConfigMgr console.

can anyone help point me in the right direction?


Clients stop downloading package and have BIT.TMP files in cache


I am having an issue with package distribution to sccm clients where clients stop downloading the package without any errors or warnings. and report a waiting on contents status.


Initially, I noticed the issue when deploying Office 2007 to clients where I setup the advertisement for that package to start at an earlier time than the mandatory time to precache the contents.  Monitoring the advertisement status report, I noticed 10% of the clients show waiting on contents status, did random spot check, and the package folder in the cache was either there with no files just folder structure, or it had BIT.TMP files. 

The DatatransferService.log, ContentTransferManager.log, CAS, Exec, and the package/advert related log files didn't have any errors


On few clients, restarting the SMS Host service did the trick and triggered the download again, on others that didn't work; however, going to run advertised programs and manually selecting and running the program fixed the issue, on a third small group, reinstalling the client made it work.


The assumption was, the package was too big, and network hick up might have caused that to occur, or IIS on the DPs had issues and was interrupted, or the client had bad BITS install and failed downloading this large package.  Later on, I found that this occurs with every deployment, small and large, and regardless of the way the advertisement is set up.


Any suggestions or assistance is very appreciated

Deleting packages doesn't delete the files from the Distribution Point



I have one primary site with one site server acting as my one single server for everything.

I deleted a bunch of Software Update packages in order to reclaim space on my single SCCM drive.

After deleting the packages, I looked at the SMSPKG and SMSKPKGD$ folder, and it appears the pacakge files are still there.

Is there an easy way to identify which ones were deleted? and if so, can i manually delete them?

Im looking for an easy way to do this, since the actual package was deleted in the SCCM console.

Here is a separate post which describes the problem im having, but nobody seemed to have a good answer for it ...


Please advise.

Task sequence - current working directory not pointing to task sequence cache


I'm running a task sequence consisting of 3 separate command lines. The task sequence uninstalls the Tivoli Monitoring Agent using a customized vendor script (uninst.cmd). The task sequence is as follows:

Group - Uninstall Tivoli 6.2.3 FP3 (run only if the Tivoli agent v. 6.3.2 FP3 is installed)

1 - Create log file - (Command line) CMD.exe /c ECHO %DATE% %TIME% Starting Tivoli 6.2.3 FP3 uninstallation.>C:\Logs\Tivoli623FP3x-uninstall.log

2 - Log the current working directory - (Command line) CMD.exe /c ECHO %DATE% %TIME% Working directory: [%CD%].>>C:\Logs\Tivoli623FP3x-uninstall.log

3 - Run the agent uninstallation script - (Command line) CMD.EXE /C %CD%\UnInstall.cmd

It is our standard practice to generate step-by-step log files for all task sequences in addition to the usual log files generated by SCCM. This allows us to track the actual progress of the task sequence and pinpoint where possible errors occur.

The task sequence advertisement is set to download all package contents locally before running and use a remote DP if no local DP is available. I'm using SCCM 2007 R2. The 2 target servers are running Windows 2012 R2 servers.

Prior to running the task sequence, I've tested the whole sequence manually by running each command line from within the target servers and encountered no errors. The problem appeared after I started advertising the task sequence. The task sequence runs the first 2 tasks without an issue but fails when it attempts to execute the third command line to run the uninstall script file.

When I checked the installation log files in the target servers, I found the following:

- Thu 10/02/2014 15:53:17.86 Starting Tivoli 6.2.3 FP3 uninstallation.

- Thu 10/02/2014 15:53:18.14 Working directory: [C:\windows\system32].

The working directory is set to [C:\windows\system32] instead of the SCCM cache directory [C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache] where the package contents are downloaded.

I also checked the execmgr.log files in both target servers and found that the working directory is getting set to the system32 folder:

- Successfully prepared command line "C:\windows\SysWOW64\CCM\TSLauncher.exe"

- Command line = "C:\windows\SysWOW64\CCM\TSLauncher.exe", Working Directory = C:\windows\system32\

Because of this, the command line to run the uninstallation script is failing.

I have some questions -

1 - What could be the reason why the working directory is set to C:\windows\system32 ?

2 - How do I make the task sequence point the working directory to the SCCM cache folder?



SCCM - Depoyment of .exe file in SCCM 2007 R2


Hi All,

Can someone share the information that how to get the command line options or commands for  any .exe file to install it on the machines using SCCM 2007 R2.


Missing software applications in Run Advertised Programs on newly built Client machines



We are experiencing a weird issue in our infrastructure. When we setup a new Windows7 machine, the applications in the RAP go missing when we boot the machine. This is happening on almost all the newly built machines from last 3-4 weeks.

When we re-install the SCCM agent on the machines, it works but we have to do it on every machines that we setup. Not sure what exactly is going wrong here.


SCCM Windows Update



I have deployed the windows update  but the client do not install it.

I have further question about above:

<![LOG[CTargetedUpdate::Save - Failed to open \\.\root\CCM\SoftwareUpdates\DeploymentAgent namespace, error 8007045b]LOG]!><time="15:30:21.764+000" date="10-09-2014" component="UpdatesDeploymentAgent" context="" type="3" thread="1564" file="targetedupdate.cpp:182">
<![LOG[Failed to resolve time properties on system time change, error = 0x8007045b]LOG]!><time="15:30:21.764+000" date="10-09-2014" component="UpdatesDeploymentAgent" context="" type="3" thread="1564" file="targetedupdate.cpp:946">
<![LOG[Failed to open to WMI namespace '\\.\root\ccm\Policy\Machine' (8007045b)]LOG]!><time="15:30:21.764+000" date="10-09-2014" component="UpdatesDeploymentAgent" context="" type="3" thread="1564" file="wminamespace.cpp:231">
<![LOG[CUpdatesAssignmentPolicy - spPolicyAgent->ConnectSettings failed, error 8007045b]LOG]!><time="15:30:21.764+000" date="10-09-2014" component="UpdatesDeploymentAgent" context="" type="3" thread="1564" file="assignmentpolicy.cpp:673">
<![LOG[Failed to open to WMI namespace '\\.\root\CCM\SoftwareUpdates\DeploymentAgent' (8007045b)]LOG]!><time="15:30:21.764+000" date="10-09-2014" component="UpdatesDeploymentAgent" context="" type="3" thread="1564" file="wminamespace.cpp:231">
<![LOG[CTargetedUpdate::Save - Failed to open \\.\root\CCM\SoftwareUpdates\DeploymentAgent namespace, error 8007045b]LOG]!><time="15:30:21.764+000" date="10-09-2014" component="UpdatesDeploymentAgent" context="" type="3" thread="1564" file="targetedupdate.cpp:182">
<![LOG[Failed to resolve time properties on system time change, error = 0x8007045b]LOG]!><time="15:30:21.764+000" date="10-09-2014" component="UpdatesDeploymentAgent" context="" type="3" thread="1564" file="targetedupdate.cpp:946">
<![LOG[Failed to handle system time change event, error = 0x8007045b]LOG]!><time="15:30:21.764+000" date="10-09-2014" component="UpdatesDeploymentAgent" context="" type="3" thread="1564" file="cdeploymentagent.cpp:450">

1) I have set the package deployment to client local time, but noticed above error in log.

2) If I at GMT +7 time zone, UTC settings means I have to work on the different 7 hours ahead?

3) Those windows update seems downloaded to local cache with the dateline as settings, but the client just wont install it.  Any idea on this?

Error 259 found in execmgr.log while installing the Java Application



I am trying to deploy Java application to set of 50 machines and out of 50 machines it has installed successfully on 42 machines and rest are getting failed as "Program failed (run time exceeded)" when i tried to check the logs of few failed machines it is having the exit code as 259.

Could someone please help me out on how to fix it.

I have tried extending the "Maximum allowed run time" in install program but without success.


Mandatory execution requested for program Repair and advertisement P012038Dexecmgr2014-10-10 11:00:006136 (0x17F8)
Creating mandatory request for advert P012038D, program Repair, package P01001C7execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:006136 (0x17F8)
Requesting content from CAS for package P01001C7 version 3execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:006136 (0x17F8)
Successfully created a content request handle {0EB86A46-A116-45C2-8CE9-93ABFFCF414C} for the package P01001C7 version 3execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:006136 (0x17F8)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(1053)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
AdvertisementId = "P012038D";
ClientID = "GUID:0056C04C-E778-4F10-B03D-87A2BCAFC1EB";
DateTime = "20141010090000.415000+000";
MachineName = "WML0344";
PackageName = "P01001C7";
PackageVersion = "3";
ProcessID = 2328;
ProgramName = "Repair";
SiteCode = "P01";
ThreadID = 6136;
execmgr 2014-10-10 11:00:006136 (0x17F8)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program Repairexecmgr2014-10-10 11:00:006136 (0x17F8)
Execution Request for package P01001C7 program Repair state change from NotExist to WaitingContentexecmgr2014-10-10 11:00:006136 (0x17F8)
Content is available for program Repair.execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
CExecutionRequest::Overriding Service Windows as per policy.execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Executing program "Repair.cmd" in Admin contextexecmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Execution Request for package P01001C7 program Repair state change from WaitingContent to NotifyExecutionexecmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Execution Manager timer has been fired.execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005908 (0x1714)
Checking content location \\SCCM01.AD.AMFPENSION.SE\DP_SHARE\SMSPKG\P01001C7\ for useexecmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Successfully selected content location \\SCCM01.AD.AMFPENSION.SE\DP_SHARE\SMSPKG\P01001C7execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
GetFileVersionInfoSize failed for file \\SCCM01.AD.AMFPENSION.SE\DP_SHARE\SMSPKG\P01001C7\Repair.cmd, error 1812execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Executing program as a scriptexecmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Successfully prepared command line "\\SCCM01.AD.AMFPENSION.SE\DP_SHARE\SMSPKG\P01001C7\Repair.cmd"execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Command line = "\\SCCM01.AD.AMFPENSION.SE\DP_SHARE\SMSPKG\P01001C7\Repair.cmd", Working Directory = \\SCCM01.AD.AMFPENSION.SE\DP_SHARE\SMSPKG\P01001C7\execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Created Process for the passed command line execmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(1053)]
instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent
AdvertisementId = "P012038D";
ClientID = "GUID:0056C04C-E778-4F10-B03D-87A2BCAFC1EB";
CommandLine = "\"\\\\SCCM01.AD.AMFPENSION.SE\\DP_SHARE\\SMSPKG\\P01001C7\\Repair.cmd\"";
DateTime = "20141010090000.680000+000";
MachineName = "WML0344";
PackageName = "P01001C7";
ProcessID = 2328;
ProgramName = "Repair";
SiteCode = "P01";
ThreadID = 5028;
UserContext = "NT instans\\SYSTEM";
WorkingDirectory = "\\\\SCCM01.AD.AMFPENSION.SE\\DP_SHARE\\SMSPKG\\P01001C7\\";
execmgr 2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Raised Program Started Event for Ad:P012038D, Package:P01001C7, Program: Repairexecmgr2014-10-10 11:00:005028 (0x13A4)
Policy deleted for advertisement P0120273 package P0100138 program Uninstallexecmgr2014-10-10 11:20:1311980 (0x2ECC)
Program exit code 259execmgr2014-10-10 11:30:001428 (0x0594)
Looking for MIF file to get program statusexecmgr2014-10-10 11:30:001428 (0x0594)
Program ran past its maximum runtime. It will be orphanedexecmgr2014-10-10 11:30:001428 (0x0594)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(1053)]
instance of SoftDistProgramExceededTime
AdvertisementId = "P012038D";
ClientID = "GUID:0056C04C-E778-4F10-B03D-87A2BCAFC1EB";
DateTime = "20141010093000.697000+000";
MachineName = "WML0344";
MaximumTime = "30";
PackageName = "P01001C7";
ProcessID = 2328;
ProgramName = "Repair";
SiteCode = "P01";
ThreadID = 1428;
execmgr 2014-10-10 11:30:001428 (0x0594)
Raised Program Exceeded Time Event for Ad:P012038D, Package:P01001C7, Program: Repairexecmgr2014-10-10 11:30:001428 (0x0594)
Execution is complete for program Repair. The exit code is 259, the execution status is Unknown Statusexecmgr2014-10-10 11:30:004432 (0x1150)

"I am just wondering why did 8 machines got failed with the error code 259".




Way to determine what percentage of a package has been distributed to a DP


Hello. I have a large package that I am distributing to a remote distribution point. It has been awhile since I worked with SCCM 2007 but isn't there a way for me to see what percentage of the pck file has been copied over? I know how to get this in 2012 but looking through the 2007 logs and status messages, I cannot find it.

Thank you for the information.

Script that runs MSI from discovered location.


Hello everyone -

Still a noob here in scripting with powershell...

We use SCCM 2012, and i'd like a script that can parse through the ccmCache folder, find the desired MSI, and the use this path to work from(parameters, etc).

Below is what i have attempted, but to no avail.
When running the below...i get the  T h i s   i n s t a l l a t i o n   p a c k a g e   c a n n o t   b e   o p e n e d  message in the script output...further telling me that the msi cannot be found.

The purpose of this is to wrap together a "find app version" script before the below script, so where it can back out if the desired version is already installed(we have a lot of image drift in with certain apps at my company).
I know its something im missing...and ideas?

$PathtoInstall = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\windows\ccmcache\ "jre1.7.0_05-c.msi" -Recurse

Foreach ($File in $PathtoInstall) {

    If ($File.Exists)  {

        $install = $File.Name
        & cmd /c "c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i" $Install



Powershell Syntax working when run in cmd, but when run through SCCM2007 Task Sequence it claims the syntax is incorrect?


The code below is a simple powershell statement which enables me to change the execution policy so that I can run powershell scripts. When I run this in a normal windows enviroment the statement will work fine, not giving me an issue whatsoever. However, whenever it runs in the task sequence the TS fails. I am running this via the command line option in the task sequence, each time running this step as 3 different types of administrators.

powershell.exe -noninteractive Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted

Checking the log file it states this:

Set-ExecutionPolicy : The term 'Set-ExecutionPolicy' is not recognized as the 	InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)
name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the 	InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)
spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is 	InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)
correct and try again.	InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)
At line:1 char:1	InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)+ Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted	InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~	InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)+ CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Set-ExecutionPolicy:String) [], 	InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)
CommandNotFoundException	InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException	InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)

InstallSoftware	13/10/2014 17:28:09	3768 (0x0EB8)

 Failed to run the action: Script Exception.
Incorrect function. (Error: 00000001; Source: Windows)	TSManager	13/10/2014 17:28:09	2716 (0x0A9C)

I am new to both SCCM and Powershell, but from my point of view, this should work, considering that the syntax is not actually incorrect? Please could anyone with any idea drop some hints and tips on how to stop this issue.

Report - Status of a specific advertisement showing 900 resources when only deployed to 100


we have a strange problem where we run the "Status of a specific advertisment" is showing some bogus data.

We deployed to a collection containing 100 PCs and the report for that collection ID shows:

Accepted = 300

Rejected = 5

No Status = 600

I found another report to get us more accuate information via CCMexec.com.

My question revolves around the default report is showing wrong information? This isnt this first time its happened. I am guessing its an issue with our database?

Anyone have any suggestions?

Supersedence and App updates in Task Sequences


2 questions on Application supersedence:

1. If i set up App v2 to supersede App v1, do I have to deploy App v2 aswell? To the same collection?

2. In task sequences that have App v1, do I have to edit them all removing App v1 and adding App v2?

I thought I understood Application supercedence as whenever a policy is refreshed, if someone has App v1, it will replace it with App v2, without needing an active deployment. But getting conflicting info from MS and forums.

I really do not want to have to edit 20 different task sequences every month when updates for Java, flash, adobe, firefox etc. are released. There must be a better way??!?!?

SCCM: distribution point "Install Pending" for days

I am running SCCM 2007 SP1, 1 primary site and 3 Secondaries all acting as DPs, the problem I am having is with a single package update on a single DP.  The status remains Install Pending, I have removed the problem DP from the package's distribution points and waited a day for SCCM to clear itself.  I added the this DP back as a distribution point for this package and wind up exactly where I started.  I have waited days without seeing any change in status, yet all the other DPs update within minutes.  Other packages arrive and install just fine on this DP and this package installs just fine on the other 3 DPs.

When reviewing the distmgr.log from the DP I find the following entry repeated over and over.

Package xxxxxxxx requires a newer version (3) of source files and the new compressed files haven't arrived yet, current version is 2, skip C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\distmgr.box\INCOMING\90LL7ZY6.PKG SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 3/11/2009 2:30:00 AM 4064 (0x0FE0)

There is free space on the volume, rights are all in place.  Are there any other logs that may help point out the problem?

SCCM 2007 - vbscript does not edit HKCU



I need to modify the registry setting below:

KEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

If I run the script manually, the registry setting is changed. If I run the script via an SCCM package, the registry key remains unchanged even though the command is executed. I get the same result with Windows 7 32 and 64-bit.

Is there a way to make this registry change succeed when I run the package?



Windows Live Essentials 2011 deployment options using offline installer


I have downloaded the Windows Live Essentials 2011 Offline installer provided by Microsoft (they sure do bury it on the website, not easy to find).  You can find it here:  http://windowslivehelp.com/solution.aspx?solutionid=61168194-26aa-4ce6-910a-aeb36fc89d17

I want to install this during a task sequence and have it available for Run Advertised Programs.  Does anyone know of or where I can find the silent installation commands? 

I only want to install the following:

  • Photo Galllery and Movie Maker
  • Writer

Do NOT want:

  • Messenger
  • Windows Live Mesh
  • Bing Bar
  • Outlook Connector Pack
  • Mail
  • Family Safety
  • Messenger Companion

Can someone help me with this?


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Excel Interactives


I am trying to deploy the Office Interactive help files for Excel, Outlook and Word to our users through software distribution. I have tried packaging the install, Creating and Deploying an MSi, and Using task sequences to try and get a successful install and everyting fails unless the logged on user is an administrator and then it works. The error, 1603,  always seem to concern a DFshim.dll file in the sxs updates folder that requires admistrator level access - dfshim_dll_31bf3856ad364e35_6.2.7600.16513_none_40cecc845ce1dd88.

Anyone have any ideas on how to I can get these to install? I have checked off install as Administrator, tried run from distribution point, use a drive letter and all the normal.

Error during connection to (64) or (53)


Hey everyone

I have a SCCM 2007 R3 site with multiple Secondary Sites. All other Sites are functioning fine, however sending packages to one site in particular has been problematic. It worked up until a week or so ago.

From the primary site server, I can ping and nslookup the secondary site server

From the secondary site server, I can ping and nslookup the primary site server

On the secondary site server, I have the primary site server computer account in the local administrator's group

I made sure all the SMS shares on the Secondary site are still available and present.

I checked permissions on the Site Server's SMSPKGC$ directory, and the administrators group is populated with Full Control (which contains an AD group containing my primary site server computer account)

The sender account for the Secondary site contains the correct DNS name for the Secondary Site Server

I've tried removing the problematic package and re-sending = no luck

I've tried sending a new, smaller test package = no luck

In the Sender.log on the Primary Site Server, I see these errors:


Error during connection to  \\SecondarySiteServer.domain.com\SMS_SITE (64).

Error during connection to \\SecondarySiteServer\SMS_SITE (64).

Error during connection to \\SecondarySiteServer\SMS_Site (53).

Cannot connect to server SecondarySiteServer at remote site <Site #>, won't try send requests going to site <SecondarySite#> for an hour or until there are not active send requests.

FQDN for server SecondarySiteServer is SecondarySiteServer.domain.com


I'm seeing both 53 & 64 errors.

I did notice on the Secondary Site server that I get occasional MP check failures in the MPCONTROL.log:


Call to HttpSendRequestSync succeeded for port 80 with status code 200, text:OK

Http test request succeeded.

Successfully performed Management point availability check against local computer.

Call to HttpSendRequestSync failed for port 80 with status code 500, text: Internal Server Error

Http test request failed, status code is 500, 'Internal Server Error'


Does anyone have any recommendations on what to check for next?


Help me in creating a Device Collection - i have a list of machine name (in a excel or CSV file)


Hello Guys,

I have created a Device collection for UK region (2000+ machines)

Now i have been given a list of 1000 machines to which i need to deploy an application.

I have to create a device collection for this 1000+ machines. as an input i have a excel or CSV file with a list of machine names.

Please suggest me how can i create a device collection with CSV file as input. Is my CSV file should be in particular format.

Or is there any other way i can create a collection for this 1000 specific machines.

Please suggest.

Very Urgent__ Restore accidently deleted task sequence folder

Hi Guys...

We have created a task sequence folder under SCCM SP1 console to contain all task sequences we created  for deploying office 2007.

Today my collegue accidently deleted entire folder. Our backup is set to run daily but not sure how to restore just one folder with in the console?

I have just started copying backup files of central site server to other server and would check it by dumping in test environment to see if we can retrieve that,....

but any ideas in mean while??????

Your help would be much appreciated..

Server Engineer
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