Use Local admin to install through SCCM instead of system admin credentials
What Context will the program run with "Only when user is logged in" and "Allow users to interact with this program" ?
I have an application packaged long back, the setting on the install program is to run "Only when user is logged in" and "Allow users to interact with this program" is ticked.
This has been done as the installation commandline has reference of %username% and also requires "Admin rights", the same fails when tested manually from SYSTEM context.
So my question is with the above setting on the program, will the installation run with "Administrator rights" or SYSTEM rights. (default the SCCM installs the package in SYSTEM context?)
Thanks in advance
Sujit J
SCCM Local vs Remote distribution points
Please explain the difference between local and remote distribution points in SCCM.
From what I'm seeing a local distribution point is one that is protected with a FAST boundary, and remote is protected with a SLOW boundary. So an unprotected dis point will always be considered remote? It doesn't matter where they are network wise in actuality. So you can have a client that is in the same subnet as a distribution point and that dis point considered remote? Also, a client can have both local and remote available as well.
According to, the client looks at local first then remote (subnet, site, then remaining).
Can someone clarify the local/remote/fast/slow for me?
Run with User's rights not working as expected
I have a VBscript that runs the Quest Client Profile Updating Utility for migrating Outlook e-mail profiles to a new Exchange Server. For this tool to work it must be run using the User's security context when the user is logged onto the computer. What I have found is that the script fails to run because SCCM is running the script with elevated privileges. The program is set with 'Only when a user is logged on' and a run mode of 'Run with user's rights'. The advertisement is set to run from a distribution point and has two mandatory re-occuring schedules (Logon, and at 6:00 a.m. every day).
To test what is happening I created a separate Program that has the same program settings but only runs 'Cmd.exe /k echo' for the command line. If I run this SCCM program as a user who is not a member of the local administrators group I can execute privileged programs like regedit.exe. If I run the Command Prompt from the Start\Accessories folder and try to run Regedit I receive an 'Access denied' message. It appears SCCM is running with elevated privileges.
Does SCCM run a program with elevated privileges? How can I make a program run without elevated privileges.
thank you for your help.
VPN Connection - Limiting Software Distributions for UMTS connections
I'm looking for some help in finding a solution to manage SW Distributions for different remote connections over VPN and wondering if anyone has tackled this already, or knows of a good solution.
We are running a SCCM 2012 environment and have clients connecting over VPN with potentially different connections established. The scenarios I'm trying to address are:
1) For clients connecting to the VPN from fast LAN/WLAN (e.g. home broadband, or hotspot) then we they should receive SW updates, Patches with the same behaviour as in the office.
2) Clients connecting over UMTS should not deploy updates, but have then available to prevent any high costs in data charges, or allow the option to push critical updates (e.g. MS Patch).
What we know is we can isolate VPN clients via the IP Ranges but we cannot determine the connection type. The only possible solution could be applying a rule to ALL VPN users (e.g. slow network), to make distributions available. But this is not a good fit, when most connections will be fast and could receive SW Updates. The ideal situation would be to identify the UMTS clients and apply some rules.
Any suggestions??
Any help/advice would be appreciated.
Cleanup Software Distribution Execution Requests
I have a number of computers that, when I access via the Advanced Client Spy, show Software Distribution Execution Requests, for advertisements for task sequences that are no longer assigned to the given client.
Where can I go to clean this up? Client Registry? WMI?
How do I uninstall Windows Media Player 11 (from Windows XP)
I tried to uninstall Windows Media Player 11 using the 2 methods in
The 1st method rolled back Windows Media Player 11 , but I want to uninstall it.
The 2nd method gave me the following pop-window:
C:\WINDOWS\$ntUninstallwmp11$\spuninst refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be on a hard drive on this computer, or on a network. Check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that you are connected to the Internet or your network, and then try again. If it still cannot be located, the information might have been moved to a different location.
I am surprised that Microsoft supplies a product that one cannot uninstall.
I would very much like to uninstall Windows Media Player 11 -
If that is not possible, I could re-install it.
Thanks for any helo.
Powershell command for adding the package
Dear All,
Am using SCCM 2007 and Powershell v1.0. First thing I would like to ask is does the version of powershell and sccm are interdependent? Why beacuse, am searching for the cmdlet to add the package to the distribution point. Still I didn't get the command to add. All the commands that I got are used in sccm2012 and powershell v3.0. When I use any of the commands, am getting "System.String() does not contain this method" as the error. I searched in Powershell prompt to get the list of cmdlets used. I did not find any relative command to add the package to the dp.
Please help.
Deploying Internet Exlorer 8 using software distribution- for SCCM 2007 SP2
I am trying to deploy Internet Explorer 8 in one of the clients having Internet Explorer 7.
But when i checked the execmgr.log, i found that the installation ended up with the following error.
"Program ran past its maximum runtime. It will be orphaned"
I even tried on other machine, but got the same error.
Pls. help.
Thanks in advance.
Remove microsoft office compatibility pack 2007
sccm query
Hi All,
Please help me with SQL query for the advertisement querying the advertisement name, id, number of machines targeted, number of machines accepted, number of failures, no status, start date and recieved date.
For the past two days am trying. Am not able to get the count i.e, targeted machines and accepted, failure machines. Am getting syntax error. Didn't get correct syntax.
Please Help.
Help requested for creating a custom query
Hello Experts
I am a beginner when it comes to defining custom SQL Queries and facing a tricky enterprise requirement.
We would need to publish a report with All packages in the SCCM console along with the package size, advertisements, Duplicate/Copies, and all distribution points the packages are replicated to.
Can we achieve this through a single query or there should be a separate approach? Could someone help?
windows 7 and interactive services detection and deploying java
I am trying to deploy java 6.21 to windows 7 and XP. The XP computers installed just fine, the windows 7 computers display a intereactive services detection box.
I am using the following command line that I used for java before:
\\server name\software\java\6.21\jre-6u21-windows-i586-s.exe /quiet /passive
what are the ramifications of disabling the interactive services detection service?
Has anyone been able to deploy java to windows 7?
Thanks for any input.
Time taken for package replication from sccm repository to DP
is there any URL from where we can calculate the approx time for replication package from source to destination DP against a given bandwith for that location.
Regards Sushain KApoor
Run Advertised Programs not displaying advertisements on some machines
We have a problem that Run Advertised Programs is empty on some of our computers. We use the same task sequence on all of our machines, and on most of them it works fine, but on occations the Run Advertised Programs is empty, and the computer does not install any programs. We have several programs assigned to all computers, some mandatory and other optional. When I first check the Configuration manger on these machines, the actions tab only display 4 actions: Machine Policy, Software Updates, Deployment, Software Updates Scan and User Policy Retrieval. After running the Machine policy a few times the other Actions usually get available, but Run Advertised Programs is still blank.
When I check execmgr.log, I see that the policies for the different advertisements are listed
Policy arrived for parent package x program xxx
Successfully submitted event to the Status Agent.
The strange thing is that I do get the Run Advertised program icon in Systray and on mouseover I get a popup saying "A new program is available to be run" but Run Advertised Programs is gray with the text "No programs are available on the network" and the mandatory programs are not being installed.
The machine looks normal from SCCM, and I get access to the event logs on the machine etc. There are no errors in the clientlocation.log on the client.
If I reinstall the computer, the problem is usually fixed (same user, same hardware, same machine name, same OS Task sequence).
I would be grateful if anyone has any hints and tips on how to resolve this.
SCCM report for specific exit code
Task Sequence Failed with below msg in single system but the same TS works fine with other systems.
Regards, Dan
problem deploying Lync 2013 (Japanese)
Hi all,
i have currently encountered a strange issue.
Our company has deployed lync server 2013 and i need to upgrade our client from OCS 2007 R2 to Lync 2013.
We use SCCM 2007 to perform this task.
i have already created packages for Lync 2013 Chinese and English without any issue.
But when i do the same for Japanese version (x86). The package will report success but the installation actually failed.
when i checked the log, i got this error:
Error: MsiBeginTransaction failed. MsiBeginTransaction ErrorCode: 1601(0x641).
So i tried to install the same package on the same computer LOCALLY, and it worked.
i only get this error when push it from SCCM.
i also tried to redownload the installer from Volume License Center, and created a seperate SCCM package, but still got the same error.
Have anyone else experienced this? Is there anywhere else i can download another version of JPN Lync2013?
Or how do i simply resolve this?
How to determine IE type(32 bit or 64 bit) in a task sequence while updating Java
How to determine IE type(32 bit or 64 bit) in a task sequence
Currently i have to update new version of Java after removing all the previous existing version of Java by using TS in SCCM 2007.
we have both 32 bit and 64 bit browser in the environment. I am stucked in determining whether the browser is of 32 bit or 64 bit.
How to determine IE type(32 bit or 64 bit) in a task sequence so that respective java can be installed for that IE browser.
will highly appreciate quick response.
Thanks in advance.
Maintenance Windows
I have created brand new collections. I've then added 1 or 2 machines to the new collection. I deploy a package and it fails saying it ran outside of the maintenance window. Again, this is a new collection so I never set any maintenance window. Where is this setting coming from then? The only way around this is when I created the Advert I have to check the window to ignore maintenance windows.