I made a couple of rookie mistake deploying software across the enterprise and now things are in such a state of disarray, I'm not sure what to do.
Here's where I am now. I am trying to deploy an application via a task sequence. I'm using a task sequence so a single collection/advertisement can handle both 32-bit & 64-bit systems. The installation failed on a large number of computers. When I tried re-deploying, most of those failed with exit code 1152. I know that this message is telling me that it couldn't run because the program is already running. What I don't know is WHAT is already running? Does it mean TSManager? Because that's the only thing related that I can see running. I know my setup isn't running. At least is doesn't appear as a running process on the affected computers.
When I look at the TSManager process, I see that it's been running for over 2 weeks. That's not good. Looking at smsts.log, it's been "waiting for job status notification" for who knows how long. Probably over 2 weeks.
What can I do to clean this up so I can re-deploy this software?