Hello everyone -
Still a noob here in scripting with powershell...
We use SCCM 2012, and i'd like a script that can parse through the ccmCache folder, find the desired MSI, and the use this path to work from(parameters, etc).
Below is what i have attempted, but to no avail.
When running the below...i get the T h i s i n s t a l l a t i o n p a c k a g e c a n n o t b e o p e n e d message in the script output...further telling me that the msi cannot be found.
The purpose of this is to wrap together a "find app version" script before the below script, so where it can back out if the desired version is already installed(we have a lot of image drift in with certain apps at my company).
I know its something im missing...and ideas?
$PathtoInstall = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\windows\ccmcache\ "jre1.7.0_05-c.msi" -Recurse
Foreach ($File in $PathtoInstall) {
If ($File.Exists) {
$install = $File.Name
& cmd /c "c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i" $Install