I have two question regarding software distribution,
I have a package with 2 different programs (For Ex: A, B).
Scenario 1: I created a mandatory(Future time) advertisement for this package using program "A" just to cache the content locally on 100 machines.(Caching is completed for 70 machines 30 in progress)
Question 1: What will be the status of package in cache if i expire the advertisement now..? Will it remain in cache for 70 machines even after expiring the advertisement till it reaches the cache size of (5 gb) or will it get deleted as soon as we expire the advertisement.?
Scenario 2: I created RAP advertisement with the same package using program B for same 100 machines with download from DP and run locally.
Question 2: Will the RAP advertisement use the same cached content from first mandatory advertisement or will it download the content again to cache...?
Please advise and let me know if you have any questions in understanding the scenario.
The Lightning Khan