ok, we had some issues with the offline imaging injecting updates into the images after looking at some posts on here I decided to uninstall wsus take the role off the server it was on then reinstall again. we have also updated to R2 the CU1, knock on effect from this is the client isn't being published see log below., my question is how do I get the clients matched up?
PublishApplication(8427071A-DA80-48C3-97DE-C9C528F73A2D) failed with error System.InvalidOperationException: Publishing operation failed because the console and remote server versions do not match.~~ at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.Publisher.LoadPackageMetadata(String
sdpFile)~~ at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.UpdateServer.GetPublisher(String sdpFile)~~ at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.WSUS.WSUSServer.PublishApplication(String sPackageId, String sSDPFile, String sCabFile) SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 14/07/2014
07:35:38 4012 (0x0FAC)
ERROR: Failed to publish sms client to WSUS, error = 0x80131509 SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 14/07/2014 07:35:38 4012 (0x0FAC)
Failed to publish client with error = 0x80131509 SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 14/07/2014 07:35:38 4012 (0x0FAC)
HandleSMSClientPublication failed. SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 14/07/2014 07:35:38 4012 (0x0FAC)